Melody & Rithms

The unique show, perfect music, cool melodies and pleasent and unexpectible meetings. TVfans saw not only the disco stars but also the original duets.

This concert is like a excursus on 20 years back, the time when the disco music ruled the world! The first time C.C.Catch sang with russian stars.

Melodies & Rithms

Melodies & Rithms

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Otpetye moshenniki Disco 80 Come Back Show The Peacemaker Award
Melodies & rithms Krayzee Diter Bolen Morty
St. Peterburg Sergey Minaev Tatiana Ovsienko Rostov
To Children With Love La Stello ABBA Nataly
Easy Boom Family of C.C.Catch C.C.Catch & Asia C.C.Catch in Romania 2009
Dmitry Frolov New Hero on Autoradio Modern Tracking. Russian-Canadian music project Teamwork Juan Martinez & C.C.Catch
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